NZE Technologies

Investment in technology businesses related to the 4 R’s

Each of the 4 R’s are underpinned through advancements in technology. We invest in businesses that have created relevant world leading eco-technology, to assist and accelerate their commercialisation and growth in global markets, for the benefit of the planet.

Our own projects and innovation in technology includes, but is not limited to:

  • Robotic, automated soil monitoring and restoration - the measurement & monitoring of soil carbon levels and the acceleration of native flora regeneration

  • Tree planting machines, robotic tree maintenance, timber harvesting machinery and equipment

  • Streamlined manufacturing and construction technology, that reduces the Carbon Footprint of buildings

  • Enhanced performance of timber and natural fibres, by applying advanced polymers and bonding agents to the product

  • The development of ultra-high efficiency electric motors, with potential for limitless application, leading to global reduction in energy consumption

  • Power scavenging technology for renewable energy, resulting in greater efficiency of the installed systems

*We are currently unable to show images of the technologies discussed above, due to IP protection.