NZE Build
The integration of semi-automated manufacture of panelised timber buildings with modular design & construction.
Our buildings are:
Net Zero Energy & low embodied carbon, resulting in a very low carbon footprint buildings and already well on our way to zero carbon footprint buildings.
latest technology, very high quality, high thermal efficiency and very accurate modular build, for single or multiple story architecture.
Produced in a streamlined semi-automated factory, a building can reach waterproof lockup in a week and ready for site installation in less three (3) months from commencement of manufacture.
Incredibly cost-effective: bulk procurement direct from international manufacturers and Australian suppliers. Build costs in factory significantly lower than on site.
In time, timber will be sourced directly from NZE plantations, guaranteeing cost efficiency, supply, extremely short manufacturing time, utilisation of timber for a greater number of the building components and getting to zero carbon footprint buildings.