NZE ESG Programs
Development of extremely high value ESG Programs in Australia, Africa, Indian Sub-continent, and South-East Asia.
At Net Zero Energy, we endeavour to provide education and support for Women, Children, Indigenous and Rural Community Groups wherever we work around the globe.
To support our programs, funds from every litre of NZE Carbon Neutral Fuel that is sold, will be invested into ESG Programs. Initially in Australia, Pakistan and Africa, where we are conducting business, but will be rolled out in each country as our business footprint expands.
Our Initiative
Our Programs will include agricultural exchange between Pakistan, Africa and Australia, trades-based training programs with industry accepted certification and housing for specific needs in Australia. Our ESG Programs bring benefit to broader communities and individuals, rather than corporations.
We strive for the achievement of Human Rights, Equality, Protection, and Education of women and children in Pakistan & Africa, through our collaborative and inclusive Programs.
We are focused on creating business opportunities for the recipients, delivering sustainable long-term success. Our holistic approach creates opportunities for SME businesses in regional locations.
Our collective impact model ensures we support existing programs where practicable and provide improvements and additional support where gaps have been identified.
Our NZE Leaders have a proven successful track record in ESG Programs.
Our Rural Youth & Community focus provides support for all ages, gender, and ethnicity.
As well as providing homes in Australia, within our Carbon Credit Development and Programs initiative, the tailored plans for each location are developed in consultation with stakeholders and includes a range of work opportunities for local peoples. These roles include, but are not limited to, surveying and earthworks, seed gathering, nurseries, establishing fencing, tree planting and plantation management, renewable energy, IT communications & data analysis, plant machinery support services, and environmental management. We also work to support greater access to cultural programs such as Connections to Country Youth Initiative, Bush Medicine, Cultural & Traditional practices for Women & Men, Ranger training and Flora & Fauna Pest Species Management.
As the founders of NZE have successfully run skills training and knowledge transfer programs in Pakistan and Bangladesh within the last 10 years, and our partners Unison already have a successful, established consulting firm in Lahore with over 40 staff members, we have the ideal foundation to commence NZE business and Programs in Pakistan. As in Australia, the skills and knowledge related to carbon credit development will include surveying and earthworks, seed gathering, nurseries, establishing fencing, tree planting and plantation management, renewable energy, IT communications & data analysis, plant machinery support services, and environmental management. Further to this, we will create agricultural exchange programs between Pakistan and Australia, and trades-based programs of TAFE qualification equivalent, particularly in rural areas.