NZE Carbon Offset Development
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint.
Carbon Offsets, measured in tonnes of CO₂ re-absorption from the atmosphere, are a result of various complete carbon reuptake solutions, including reforestation.
Net Zero Energy and our partners Decarbonology have dedicated resources for the delivery of Carbon Offsets.
Our Carbon Offset Development includes revegetation and Carbon Farming, soil sequestration, destocking, savannah burning, biochar, eco-friendly building materials, and innovative technology. Together, our mission is to accelerate achievement of Net Zero carbon emissions on a global scale.
When milestones are achieved in the development of a Carbon Offset program, Carbon Credits can be issued by a certifying body and held in an international registry. The Carbon Credits can be traded on the open market. By investing in carbon offset development, or purchasing carbon credits, a company is investing in methods to counteract their own green-house gas emissions produced. So, by investing in us, you invest in the planet.
For NZE, all Carbon Credits created from our Carbon Offset Development will be compliant with and verified by the corresponding Australian or International governing bodies (VERRA & ACCU).
Each CO₂ Removal Certificate (CXC) represents a volume of one (1) tonne of CO₂ removal in a specific year and specifies the following attributes:
Certificate unique identifier
Issuance Date
Country of Issue
Removal Method
Facility Identity, Name and Location
Start and End dates of production output